Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day Two

Today was somehow busier than yesterday!  We began our day with another Morning Meeting.  We also introduced jobs to our classroom community.  We now have students helping pass out papers, hold the doors, and lots more.  We are really taking care of one another.  This conversation then led us to begin our rule-making process.  EVCS has three rules:

We take care of ourselves
We take care of each other
We take care of our environment

We began brainstorming rules that we think we need in our classroom community.  From keeping our hands to ourselves to being quiet in the halls to using materials safely, we came up with lots of rules.  This week we'll continue brainstorming, changing, and rewriting our rules.  By Friday, we will have an agreed-upon list of rules to help us take care of ourselves, each other, and our environment.

We then started the writing workshop.  Today we talked about our daily journals and came up with a list of things to write about.  We had lots of ideas!  Then we got right to it.  Our journal is a great place to write any kind of writing we want and to get our thoughts out of our heads and onto paper.  We worked really hard this morning.

After that, we went to the art studio with Maggie.  It was our first day there and we had a great time!  Then we started a new chapter book together: The Twits by Roald Dahl.  It's a really funny book and our student teacher, Jessica, had us giggling in our seats.  We can't wait to keep reading it tomorrow!  Next, we headed downstairs for recess and lunch with all of the students in grades 2, 3, 4, and 5.  After lunch was Quiet Time again.  We now have the option of writing more in our journals during Quiet Time, in addition to resting, drawing, or writing a letter.  I wonder what we'll add tomorrow...  We then had a practice Fire Drill.  We practiced lining up quickly and quietly, and walking in one long line out of our classroom, down the correct stairwell, out the front doors, and across the street to our waiting spot.  We will be really prepared for our first all-school fire drill later this month.  

Then we did a new art project.  This project had us using lots of scraps of paper to create beautiful window decorations for our classroom.  We discussed the importance of using scraps to save paper and use our classroom resources wisely.  We practiced sharing group materials, using scissors safely, talking to one another at a work-appropriate volume, and of course cleaning up.  We did excellently and our windows look fantastic!

After that, we played a new game and then celebrated a class birthday before heading home.  Another great day in second grade!
- Liz