Monday, June 23, 2014

The Bill Passed!

Thanks to all of the "city council members" who attended our meeting last Thursday.  We presented the Public Pier Bill as well as our model of what we thought Pier 15 should have under this proposed law.  After some serious discussion, presentations from both the high rise developer and our committee, and a Q&A session with the creators of the bill, it was voted on.  It passed - 15 to 4!  I'll post more photos with captions this week, but didn't want to leave our readers hanging about the fate of our vote.

In other news, the year is winding down in second grade.  We're spending a lot of time reflecting on our favorite parts of this year, talking about our hopes for next year, and realizing how much we've grown this year.  Tomorrow we will be visiting the third grade classes to ask the teachers and students questions about third grade and tour their rooms.  I can't believe we're almost third graders!