Friday, January 10, 2014


Today we began chess classes with Bradley!  We learned all about the board, how to name the squares, ranks, and files.  We then studied the pawn.  We learned that there are 8 pawns in the game of chess.  We learned how they can move and how they can both defend and capture other pieces.  We first played a class game against Bradley.  We quickly saw that keeping track of our defense and our offense was harder than we thought!  After that, we played a game on the chess board using only the pawns.  Our goal was to get a pawn from one side of the board to the other.  We had a great time!

Some of us are already skilled chess players, others of us have limited experience with the game, and even more of us have never played before.  By learning each piece one at a time, all of us are strengthening our chess skills to be strategic in our playing.  We will practice each Friday.  This afternoon, during choice time, some of us used what we learned to either keep playing with just pawns or to play full games of chess.  What fun!