Monday, January 13, 2014


Today we began our swimming lessons!  I wanted to first say thank you to all of the parents who came and helped with the locker rooms!  We couldn't have done it without you!

Today we were introduced to our swimming instructors and were tested to see how we felt and acted in the water.  We blew bubbles, kicked our legs, floated on our backs, and moved our arms in the water before we were put into 4 groups.  Now that we have our groups, we'll be able to get right into the water and start swimming next time!

Parents, please send your child's swimming clothes in a separate bag from their book bag - this allows their wet clothes to be put into the bag after swimming without getting our papers and books soggy on the way home.  Please also remember that if you signed up for bringing home lunch on swimming days to bring one - the cafeteria is closed when we return from swimming, so only those students who requested school lunch a week in advance will receive one.  Thanks!