Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Plants all over the place!

Our wheat is growing!
Our classroom certainly feels like spring!  We have plants all around us, growing and thriving!  Thanks to all of you who have brought in cuttings from ivy and other plants so that we can experiment with starting new plants not from seed - we'll begin that work very soon!

Today we observed a number of our growing plants and we took care of some "chores" related to plant care.

First, we observed our newest plants - carnivorous ones!  Last week, we read about carnivorous plants and watched a Brain Pop video about them.  During these readings and videos, we took lots of notes about what we were learning about.  We learned about plants that catch bugs actively (like the venus fly trap and the sundew plant) as well as those that catch bugs passively (like the pitcher plant).  We then wrote reports about carnivorous plants using our research.  Come check them out in our classroom - you'll learn a ton about plants that live in areas where their soil lacks the nutrients they need.

A student has a snack as she watches our carnivorous plants
We also observed our wheat that is steadily growing from a seed.  We can see the roots below and the green sprout coming from the top.  Some are growing faster than others and now we're trying to figure out why that is.

Today, some of our brassica flowers sprouted!  We should see some steady growth on these amazing flowers in the next few days.  We can't wait to go through the entire life cycle with these plants.

Our brassica flowers are starting to sprout!
We also had some work to do.  Our grass that we planted last week is really growing!  As all people with lawns know, we had to mow it.  Today we mowed our lawns and soon we'll study to see how the plant reacted.  Did it grow from where it was cut, or did it grow from the root upwards?  Will the leaves of the alfalfa grow back?  Only time will tell.

Grass growing before we mowed

Grass growing before we mowed

Mowing the lawn